Troubleshoot CD-as-a-Service Tools

Solutions for issues you might encounter while using the Armory Continuous Deployment-as-a-Service AVM, CLI, or GitHub Action.

Troubleshooting overview

The CLI and GitHub Action (GHA) both call the same API, so you should see similar error reporting in both tools.

Initial deployment failure: orphaned ReplicaSet

If the initial deployment of your app fails or is manually rolled back, the ReplicaSet is orphaned rather than deleted. In this situation, you should manually delete the orphaned ReplicaSet only after the initial deployment runs successfully.

Follow these steps to delete the orphaned ReplicaSet:

  1. Get a list of ReplicaSet objects

    kubectl get rs -n <namespace>
  2. Identify the ReplicaSet with the old version of your application. This is typically the ReplicaSet with the greater age.

  3. Delete the orphaned ReplicaSet:

    kubectl delete rs <ReplicaSet_name> -n <namespace>

Common CLI and GHA error messages

Status code 422

When you don’t have a publicly accessible Remote Network Agent (RNA) running in your target deployment cluster, you see a message similar to this:

Error: request returned an error: status code(422), thrown error: {"error_id":"c0b7c916-e28f-4f65-b29f-7343c899c168","errors":[{"message":"account 'aimeeu-local' does not exist","code":"42"}]}

account is the name of the RNA that you configured in your CD-as-a-Service deployment file. You can check your RNA status in the Configuration > Networking > Agents screen of the Armory Cloud Console.


Error writing credentials file

error: Error: there was an error writing the credentials file.

This issue occurs because the directory the CLI stores your credentials in after you run armory login does not exist. You can create the directory by running the following command:

mkdir ~/.armory/credentials

Make sure you are running the latest version of the CLI.

GitHub Action

GitHub Actions docs

Failed to fetch access token

Check the syntax and spelling of your GitHub secrets in your workflow file. For example, if you named your GitHub secrets CDAAS_CLIENT_ID and CDAAS_CLIENT_SECRET, your config should look like:

clientId: ${{ secrets.CDAAS_CLIENT_ID }}
clientSecret: ${{ secrets.CDAAS_CLIENT_SECRET }}

Armory Version Manager (AVM)

Developer cannot be verified error when trying to run AVM

Depending on your operating system settings, you may need to allow apps from an unidentified developer in order to use AVM. For macOS, go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General and click Allow Anyway. For more information, see the macOS documentation about how to open a Mac app from an unidentified developer.

Bad CPU type

bad CPU type in executable

This issue occurs if the AVM version you downloaded does not match your CPU architecture. For example, if you try to run an arm64 build on a system that is not ARM based. Verify that you downloaded the correct AVM version for your system.

Last modified June 21, 2023: (c4887fc)