Configure Traffic Management With Linkerd

Configure your Armory CD-as-a-Service deployment to use Linkerd for traffic management.

Before you begin

CD-as-a-Service does not configure proxy sidecar injection.

Configure traffic management

Add a top-level trafficManagement.targets section to your deployment file.

  - targets: ["<target>"]
      - rootServiceName: "<rootServiceName>"
        canaryServiceName: "<rootServiceName>-canary"
        trafficSplitName: "<rootServiceName>"
      - activeService: "<activeServiceName>"
        previewService: "<previewServiceName>"
  • targets: Comma-delimited list of deployment targets; if omitted, CD-as-a-Service applies the traffic management configuration to all targets.

  • smi.rootServiceName: (Required if configuring an smi block) the name of a Kubernetes Service. Its service selector should target a Kubernetes Deployment resource in your deployment’s manifests. The SMI TrafficSplit spec defines a root service as the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) used by clients to communicate with your application. The Service should exist at the time of deployment.

  • smi.canaryServiceName: (Optional)(Canary) the name of a Kubernetes Service. Its service selector should target a Kubernetes Deployment resource in your deployment’s manifests.

    • If you provide a canaryServiceName, CD-as-a-Service assumes the Service already exists and uses it for deployment.
    • If you don’t provide a canaryServiceName, CD-as-a-Service creates a Service object and gives it the name of the root service with “-canary” appended to it. For example, if your root service is “myRootService”, then the canary service name would be “myRootService-canary”.
  • smi.trafficSplitName: (Optional) CD-as-a-Service uses the provided name when creating an SMI TrafficSplit.

  • kubernetes.activeService: (Required if configuring a kubernetes block)(Blue/Green) the name of a Kubernetes Service. Its service selector should target a Kubernetes Deployment resource in your deployment’s manifests. The Service should exist at the time of deployment.

  • kubernetes.previewService: (Optional)(Blue/Green) the name of a Kubernetes Service. Its service selector should target a Kubernetes Deployment resource in your deployment’s manifests. The Service should exist at the time of deployment.

(Optional) Configure your app’s Kubernetes Service:

  - targets: ["<target1>", "<target2>"]
      - activeService: "<activeServiceName>"
        previewService: "<previewServiceName>"
  • targets: Comma-delimited list of deployment targets.

  • kubernetes.activeService: (Required if configuring a kubernetes block)(Blue/Green) the name of a Kubernetes Service. Its service selector should target a Kubernetes Deployment resource in your deployment’s manifests. The Service should exist at the time of deployment.

  • kubernetes.previewService: (Optional)(Blue/Green) the name of a Kubernetes Service. Its service selector should target a Kubernetes Deployment resource in your deployment’s manifests. The Service should exist at the time of deployment.

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Last modified August 3, 2023: (10324ed)