Install a Remote Network Agent in Your Cluster

Use the CD-as-a-Service Console, the CLI, Helm, or kubectl to do a basic Remote Network Agent installation with default options in your Kubernetes cluster. This basic installation is not meant for production environments.

Before you begin

You are familiar with what a a Remote Network Agent is and its core features.

Remote Network Agent installation methods

By default, you install a Remote Network Agent (RNA) with full access to your cluster by using one of the following:

  • UI wizard
    • Use a UI wizard to generate an install script that includes Client Credentials.
    • Install using default configuration.
    • Not recommended for production environments.
  • CLI
    • Install using default configuration.
    • Not recommended for production environments.
  • kubectl
    • Install using default configuration.
    • Not recommended for production environments.
  • Helm
    • Install using default or advanced configuration.
    • Advanced configuration](/remote-network-agent/install-helm/) recommended for production environments.

Before you begin

  • You have a role that allows you to create Client Credentials and connect a Remote Network Agent.

    • For the UI and CLI methods, you do not need to create Client Credentials. Those methods create Client Credentials for you.

    • For the kubectl and Helm methods, you do need to create Client Credentials.

      Show how to create Client Credentials
      1. Access the CD-as-a-Service Console.
      2. Go to the Configuration tab.
      3. If you have more than one tenant, make sure you select the desired tenant in the User context menu.
      4. In the left navigation menu, select Access Management > Client Credentials.
      5. In the upper right corner, select New Credential.
      6. Create a credential for your RNA. Use a descriptive name for the credential that matches what it is being used for. For example, name the credentials the same as the account name you assigned the target deployment cluster if creating a credential for an Remote Network Agent (RNA).
      7. Select an RBAC role from the Select Roles list. You must assign an RBAC role in order for the credential to access CD-as-a-Service.
        • If the credential for is a Remote Network Agent, select Remote Network Agent.
        • If you plan to use the credential to deploy from a GitHub Action or similar tool, select Deployments Full Access.
      8. Note the values for both Client ID and Client Secret. You need these values when configuring the RNA or any other service that you want to grant access to. Make sure to store the secret somewhere safe. You are not shown the value again.

  • You have access to your own Kubernetes cluster.

Install with default configuration

Default configuration:

  • Namespace: armory-rna
  • Permissions: Full access to your cluster

You do not need to create Client Credentials for these options. The UI does that for you.

Option 1

  1. In the CD-as-a-Service Console, navigate to the Welcome to Continuous Deployment-as-a-Service Configuration page.
  2. Click Connect your Kubernetes Cluster.
  3. In the Select Installation Method window, select either Connect Cluster Using Helm or Connect Cluster Using Kubectl.
  4. In the Identify Your Cluster window, enter an agent identifier for your Remote Network Agent (RNA) in the Cluster Name field. You install this RNA in the cluster where you want to deploy your app, so create a meaningful identifier.
  5. Click Continue.
  6. Copy the script from the Connect New Remote Network Agent window and run it locally.

Option 2

  1. In the CD-as-a-Service Console, navigate to the Configuration page.
  2. Access the Networking > Agents screen.
  3. Click Add an Agent.
  4. In the Name New Remote Network Agent window, enter a name for your Remote Network Agent (RNA) in Agent Identifier. You install this RNA in the cluster where you want to deploy your app, so create a meaningful name.
  5. Choose I want to use my own cluster. in the Choose Cluster Type window.
  6. Copy the script in the Install a Remote Network Agent window and run it locally using kubectl.

You do not need to create Client Credentials for this option. The CLI does that for you.

Before you begin

If you haven’t already, install the CLI and make sure you are connected to your cluster.

  • Install the CLI.

  • Set your kubectl context to connect to the cluster where you want to deploy the RNA.

    kubectl config use-context <NAME>


  1. Log in using the CLI.

    armory login
  2. Install the RNA in your cluster.

    armory agent create

    Follow the prompts to provide information. You choose your cluster and provide an agent identifier (cluster name) for the RNA during the installation process.

Before you begin

  • You have Client Credentials (Client Secret and Client ID)
  • You are connected to the Kubernetes cluster where you want to install the RNA.


This script installs the RNA into Namespace armory-rna with Agent Identifier sample-cluster.

Replace <client-secret> and <client-id> with your Client Secret and Client ID.

kubectl create ns armory-rna; 
kubectl --namespace armory-rna create secret generic rna-client-credentials \
--type=string \
--from-literal=client-secret="<client-secret>" \
kubectl apply -f ""

You have Client Credentials with Remote Network Agent permissions.

  1. Ensure you are connected to the cluster where you want to deploy the RNA.

  2. Create the namespace for the RNA:

    kubectl create ns armory-rna
  3. Create secrets from your Client ID and Client Secret:

    kubectl --namespace armory-rna create secret generic rna-client-credentials --type=string --from-literal=client-secret=<your-client-secret> --from-literal=client-id=<your-client-id>

    The examples use Kubernetes secrets to encrypt the value. You supply the encrypted values in the Helm command to install the RNA.

  4. Install the RNA with default permissions and values.

    Use the agentIdentifier parameter to give your RNA a unique name. When you deploy your app, you specify which RNA to use, so Armory recommends creating a meaningful name that identifies the cluster.

    The encrypted values for clientId and clientSecret reference the Kubernetes secrets you generated in an earlier step.

    helm upgrade --install armory-rna armory/remote-network-agent \
         --set agentIdentifier=<rna-name> \
         --set 'clientId=encrypted:k8s!n:rna-client-credentials!k:client-id' \
         --set 'clientSecret=encrypted:k8s!n:rna-client-credentials!k:client-secret' \
         --namespace armory-rna

You can go to the Agents page in the CD-as-a-Service Console to verify that your RNA has been installed and is communicating with CD-as-a-Service. If you do not see the RNA, check your cluster logs to see if the RNA is running.

What’s next

Last modified October 31, 2023: (f370fe9)