Webhooks Config

Declare webhooks that call external automation for webhook-based approvals in your strategies.

Webhooks section


  - name: <webhook-name>
    method: <endpoint-method-type>
    uriTemplate: <endpoint-uri>
    networkMode: <network-mode>
    agentIdentifier: <remote-network-agent-id>
      - key: Authorization
        value: <auth-type-and-value>
      inline: >-
    retryCount: <num-retries>
  • name: the unique name of your webhook

  • method: (Required) REST API method type of the webhook

  • uriTemplate: (Required) webhook URL; supports placeholders that are replaced at runtime

  • networkMode: (Optional; Default: direct) direct or remoteNetworkAgent; direct means a direct connection to the internet; if your webhook is not internet-accessible, use the remoteNetworkAgent as a proxy.

  • agentIdentifier: (Optional) Use when networkMode is remoteNetworkAgent; the Remote Network Agent identifier to use as a proxy; the identifier must match the Agent Identifier value listed on the Agents UI screen; if not specified, Armory CD-as-a-Service uses the Remote Network Agent associated with the environment account.

  • headers: (Optional) Request headers; the Authorization header is required if your webhook requires authorization. Also supports use of context and armory provided variables.

  • bodyTemplate: (Optional) the body of the REST API request; the inline content depends on the endpoint you are calling.

  • retryCount: (Optional; Default: 0) if the first connection attempt fails, the number of retries before failing and declaring that the webhook cannot be reached.

  • disableCallback: (Optional; Default: false) if set to true, Armory CD-as-a-Service does not wait for a callback before moving on to the next deployment step.

Callback URI

You must pass the callback URI as {{armory.callbackUri}}/callback. Armory CD-as-a-Service generates the value for armory.callbackUri and fills it in at runtime.

Where you configure the callback URI depends on your external automation tool. If you use a GitHub workflow, for example, you configure the callback URI in the inline section of the bodyTemplate.

Webhooks context variables

You can use variables in the webhook templates you define in the webhooks block of your deployment for the follow fields: webhooks.[].uriTemplate, webhooks.[].headers, and webhooks.[].bodyTemplate.

Armory-provided context variables

Armory provides the following variables for every webhook execution:

VariableAnnotationEnvironment variableNotes
applicationNamedeploy.armory.io/applicationARMORY_APPLICATION_NAMEAdded as annotation resources and as environment variables on pods*
deploymentIddeploy.armory.io/deployment-idARMORY_DEPLOYMENT_IDAdded as annotation resources and as environment variables on pods*
environmentNamedeploy.armory.io/environmentARMORY_ENVIRONMENT_NAMEAdded as annotation resources and as environment variables on pods*
replicaSetNamedeploy.armory.io/replica-set-nameARMORY_REPLICA_SET_NAMEAdded as annotation resources and as environment variables on pods*
accountName--The name of the account (or agentIdentifier) used to execute the deployment
namespace--The namespace resources are being deployed to

Prefix the variable with armory and surround with {{}}. For example, to use applicationName, add {{armory.applicationName}} to the webhook query template.

Custom context variables

Add your custom variables to the strategies.<strategyName>.canary.steps.runWebhook.context section of your deployment file:

        - runWebhook:
            name: <webhookName>
              <variableName>: <variableValue>

You need to configure your custom variables for each webhook step that references them.

In supported webhook fields, you reference them with the following format: {{context.<variableName>}}. For example, if you create a variable called uri for webhooks.[].uriTemplate, you reference it in webhooks.[].bodyTemplate with {{context.uri}}, so that uriTemplate: {{context.uri}} is the address the webhook calls.

Guides and tutorials

Last modified October 31, 2023: (f370fe9)