Traffic Management Config

Declare Istio or Linkerd traffic management for all or specific targets. Configure Istio settings such as virtual service and destination rule. Configure Linkerd settings like root service, canary service, active service, and traffic split.

Traffic management section


You configure your service mesh per target in this section. If you omit the target entry, CD-as-a-Service applies the config to all targets.

  - targets: ["<target-name>"]

SMI targets


  - targets: ["<target>"]
      - rootServiceName: "<rootServiceName>"
        canaryServiceName: "<rootServiceName>-canary"
        trafficSplitName: "<rootServiceName>"
      - activeService: "<activeServiceName>"
        previewService: "<previewServiceName>"
  • targets: Comma-delimited list of deployment targets; if omitted, CD-as-a-Service applies the traffic management configuration to all targets.

  • smi.rootServiceName: (Required if configuring an smi block) the name of a Kubernetes Service. Its service selector should target a Kubernetes Deployment resource in your deployment’s manifests. The SMI TrafficSplit spec defines a root service as the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) used by clients to communicate with your application. The Service should exist at the time of deployment.

  • smi.canaryServiceName: (Optional)(Canary) the name of a Kubernetes Service. Its service selector should target a Kubernetes Deployment resource in your deployment’s manifests.

    • If you provide a canaryServiceName, CD-as-a-Service assumes the Service already exists and uses it for deployment.
    • If you don’t provide a canaryServiceName, CD-as-a-Service creates a Service object and gives it the name of the root service with “-canary” appended to it. For example, if your root service is “myRootService”, then the canary service name would be “myRootService-canary”.
  • smi.trafficSplitName: (Optional) CD-as-a-Service uses the provided name when creating an SMI TrafficSplit.

  • kubernetes.activeService: (Required if configuring a kubernetes block)(Blue/Green) the name of a Kubernetes Service. Its service selector should target a Kubernetes Deployment resource in your deployment’s manifests. The Service should exist at the time of deployment.

  • kubernetes.previewService: (Optional)(Blue/Green) the name of a Kubernetes Service. Its service selector should target a Kubernetes Deployment resource in your deployment’s manifests. The Service should exist at the time of deployment.

Istio targets


See Configure Traffic Management With Istio for a detailed example.

  - targets: ["<target-name>"]
    - virtualService:
        name: <VirtualService-metadata-name>
        httpRouteName: <VirtualService-http-route-name>
        name: <DestinationRule-metadata-name>               
        activeSubsetName: <VirtualService-http-route-destination-subset-name>
        canarySubsetName: <canary-subset-name>     
  • targets: (Optional) comma-delimited list of deployment targets; if omitted, CD-as-a-Service applies the traffic management configuration to all targets.

  • istio.virtualService: (Required)

    • The name of your VirtualService
    • istio.virtualService.httpRouteName: The name of the HTTPRoute defined in your VirtualService. This field is optional if you define only one HTTPRoute.
  • istio.destinationRule: Optional if you only define only one DestinationRule.

    • The name of your DestinationRule
    • istio.destinationRule.activeSubsetName: The name of the subset configured in your VirtualService HTTPRoute destination. This subset is running the current version of your app. activeSubsetName is optional if you define only one active subset.
    • istio.destinationRule.canarySubsetName: (Optional) The name of the canary subset defined in your DestinationRule.

Kubernetes targets


  - targets: ["<target1>", "<target2>"]
      - activeService: "<activeServiceName>"
        previewService: "<previewServiceName>"
  • targets: Comma-delimited list of deployment targets.

  • kubernetes.activeService: (Required if configuring a kubernetes block)(Blue/Green) the name of a Kubernetes Service. Its service selector should target a Kubernetes Deployment resource in your deployment’s manifests. The Service should exist at the time of deployment.

  • kubernetes.previewService: (Optional)(Blue/Green) the name of a Kubernetes Service. Its service selector should target a Kubernetes Deployment resource in your deployment’s manifests. The Service should exist at the time of deployment.

Last modified October 10, 2023: (db84da5)