Strategies Config

Declare your deployment strategies. You can use blue/green, canary, or both. Restrict by target environment. Add steps such as weight, manual or timed pauses, analysis, expose services, redirect traffic, and shut down old version.

Strategies section

This config block is where you define the behavior and steps for your deployment strategy. You can declare multiple strategies in your deployment config file.

strategies: <strategyName> <strategyType>: ... <strategyName> <strategyType>: ... <strategyName> <strategyType>:
  • <strategyName>: The name you assign to the strategy. Use this name for targets.<targetName>.strategy. You can define multiple strategies, so make sure to use a unique descriptive name for each.

    In this example, you name the strategy canary-wait-til-approved.

    strategies: canary-wait-til-approved:

    You would use canary-wait-til-approved as the value for targets.<targetName>.strategy that is at the start of the file:

    ... targets: staging: ... strategy: canary-wait-till-approved
  • <strategyType>: This is either canary or blueGreen.

    strategies: canary-wait-til-approved: canary:

Canary fields

strategies: <strategyName> canary: steps: - setWeight: weight: <integer> - pause: duration: <integer> unit: <seconds|minutes|hours> - setWeight: weight: <integer> - exposeServices: services: - <service-1> - <service-2> - <service-n> ttl: duration: <integer> unit: <seconds|minutes|hours> - pause: untilApproved: true - analysis: context: keyName: <value> keyName: <value> interval: <integer> units: <seconds|minutes|hours> numberOfJudgmentRuns: <integer> rollBackMode: <manual|automatic> rollForwardMode: <manual|automatic> queries: - <queryName> - <queryName> - setWeight: weight: <integer>



Armory CD-as-a-Service progresses through all the steps you define as part of the deployment process. The process is sequential and steps can be of the types, analysis, setWeight or pause.

Generally, you want to configure a setWeight step and have a analysis or pause step follow it although this is not necessarily required. This gives you the opportunity to see how the deployment is doing either manually or automatically before the deployment progresses.

Some scenarios where this pairing sequence might not be used would be the following:

  • You can start the sequence of steps with a pause that has no corresponding weight. Armory CD-as-a-Service recognizes this as a weight of 0 since it is as the start of the deployment. This causes the deployment to pause at the start before any of the app is deployed.
  • You want to have two pause steps in a row, such as a pause for a set amount of time followed by a pause for a manual judgment.

You can add as many steps as you need but do not need to add a final step that deploys the app to 100% of the cluster. Armory CD-as-a-Service automatically does that after completing the final step you define.

Set weight


This is an integer value and determines how much of the cluster the app gets deployed to. The value must be between 0 and 100 and the the weight for each setWeight step should increase as the deployment progresses. After hitting this threshold, Armory CD-as-a-Service pauses the deployment based on the behavior you set for the strategies.<strategyName>.<strategy>.steps.pause that follows.

For example, this snippet instructs Armory CD-as-a-Service to deploy the app to 33% of the cluster:

... steps: - setWeight: weight: 33



There are two base behaviors you can set for pause, either a set amount of time or until a manual judgment is made.

steps: ... - pause: duration: <integer> unit: <seconds|minutes|hours> ... - pause: untilApproved: true requiresRoles: [] approvalExpiration: duration: 60 unit: seconds

Pause for a set amount of time

If you want the deployment to pause for a certain amount of time after a weight is met, you must provide both the amount of time (duration) and the unit of time (unit).

  • strategies.<strategyName>.canary.steps.pause.duration
    • Use an integer value for the amount of time.
  • strategies.<strategyName>.canary.steps.pause.unit
    • Use seconds, minutes or hours for unit of time.

For example, this snippet instructs Armory CD-as-a-Service to wait for 30 seconds:

steps: ... - pause: duration: 30 unit: seconds

Pause until a manual judgment

When you configure a manual judgment, the deployment waits when it hits the corresponding weight threshold. At that point, you can either approve the deployment so far and let it continue or roll the deployment back if something doesn’t look right.

  • strategies.<strategyName>.canary.steps.pause.untilApproved: true
  • strategies.<strategyName>.canary.steps.pause.requiresRoles (Optional) list of RBAC roles that can issue a manual approval
  • strategies.<strategyName>.canary.steps.pause.approvalExpiration (Optional) time to wait for the approval - if expired, current deployment is cancelled

For example:

steps: ... - pause: untilApproved: true requiresRoles: [] approvalExpiration: duration: 60 unit: minutes


The section enables exposing deployed service resources via a temporary, internet-facing, randomly generated link for testing purposes.

... - exposeServices: services: - <service-name-1> - <service-name-2> - <service-name-n> ttl: duration: <integer> unit: <seconds|minutes|hours>
  • services: List of one-to-many services to expose
    • Each service name must match an existing service deployed in the target cluster.
    • Each service must be in the same namespace as the app you are deploying.
    • Each service must define a single HTTP port.
  • ttl: (Optional) The lifetime of the exposed service preview
    • Minimum: 1 minute (60 seconds)
    • Maximum: 24 hours
    • Default: 5 minutes

Each link automatically expires after the configured amount of time. The exposed link is not secure.

You can configure multiple exposeServices entries, each having a different expiration time.

You can use exposed service links elsewhere in your deploy config, such as in your webhook definitions. The naming convention is armory.preview.<service-name>.


In this example, the snippet instructs Armory CD-as-a-Service to create a public URL to the deployed services service-name-1 and service-name-2. Both automatically expire after 2 hours.

... - exposeServices: services: - service-name-1 - service-name-2 ttl: duration: 2 unit: hours



The analysis step is used to run a set of queries against your deployment. Based on the results of the queries, the deployment can automatically or manually roll forward or roll back.

steps: ... - analysis: metricProviderName: <metricProviderName> context: keyName: <value> keyName: <value> interval: <integer> units: <seconds|minutes|hours> numberOfJudgmentRuns: <integer> rollBackMode: <manual|automatic> rollForwardMode: <manual|automatic> queries: - <queryName> - <queryName>
Metrics provider name


Optional. The name of a configured metric provider. If you do not provide a metric provider name, CD-as-a-Service uses the default metric provider defined in the analysis.defaultMetricProviderName. Use the Configuration UI to add a metric provider.



Custom key/value pairs that are passed as substitutions for variables to the queries.

CD-as-a-Service supports the following variables out of the box:

  • armory.startTimeIso8601
  • armory.startTimeEpochSeconds
  • armory.startTimeEpochMillis
  • armory.endTimeIso8601
  • armory.endTimeEpochSeconds
  • armory.endTimeEpochMillis
  • armory.intervalMillis
  • armory.intervalSeconds
  • armory.promQlStepInterval
  • armory.deploymentId
  • armory.applicationName
  • armory.environmentName
  • armory.replicaSetName

If your deployment strategy contains exposeServices step, all exposed service preview links are available as part of the armory.preview sub-context. For example, if you create service preview for service my-http-service you could access it using

You can supply your own variables by adding them to this section. When you use them in your query, include the context prefix. For example, if you create a variable named owner, you would use context.owner in your query.

For information about writing queries, see Canary Analysis Query Reference.



steps: ... - analysis: interval: <integer> units: <seconds|minutes|hours>

How long each sample of the query gets summarized over.

For example, the following snippet sets the interval to 30 seconds:

steps: ... - analysis: interval: 30 units: seconds


The unit of time for the interval. Use seconds, minutes or hours. See strategies.<strategyName>.<strategy>.steps.analysis.interval for more information.

Number of judgment runs


steps: ... - analysis: ... numberOfJudgmentRuns: <integer> ...

The number of times that each query runs as part of the analysis. Armory CD-as-a-Service takes the average of all the results of the judgment runs to determine whether the deployment falls within the acceptable range.

Rollback mode


steps: ... - analysis: ... rollBackMode: <manual|automatic> ...

Optional. Can either be manual or automatic. Defaults to automatic if omitted.

How a rollback is approved if the analysis step determines that the deployment should be rolled back. The thresholds for a rollback are set in lowerLimit and upperLimit in the analysis block of the deployment file. This block is separate from the analysis step that this parameter is part of.

Roll forward mode


steps: ... - analysis: ... rollForwardMode: <manual|automatic> ...

Optional. Can either be manual or automatic. Defaults to automatic if omitted.

How a rollback is approved if the analysis step determines that the deployment should proceed (or roll forward). The thresholds for a roll forward are any values that fall within the range you create when you set the lowerLimit and upperLimitvalues in the analysis block of the deployment file. This block is separate from the analysis step that this parameter is part of.



steps: ... - analysis: ... queries: - <queryName> - <queryName>

A list of queries that you want to use as part of this analysis step. Provide the name of the query, which is set in the parameter. Note that thee analysis block is separate from the analysis step.

All the queries must pass for the step as a whole to be considered a success.

Blue/green fields

strategies: <strategyName> blueGreen: activeService: <active-service> previewService: <preview-service> redirectTrafficAfter: - pause: duration: <integer> unit: <seconds|minutes|hours> shutDownOldVersionAfter: - pause: untilApproved: true

Active service


The name of a Kubernetes Service object that you created to route traffic to your application.

strategies: <strategy>: blueGreen: activeService: <active-service>

Preview service


(Optional) The name of a Kubernetes Service object you created to route traffic to the new version of your application so you can preview your updates.

strategies: <strategy>: blueGreen: previewService: <preview-service>

Redirect traffic after


The redirectTrafficAfter steps are conditions for exposing the new version to the activeService. The steps are executed in parallel. After each step completes, Armory CD-as-a-Service exposes the new version to the activeService.



There are two base behaviors you can set for pause, either a set amount of time or until a manual judgment is made.

redirectTrafficAfter: - pause: duration: <integer> unit: <seconds|minutes|hours>
redirectTrafficAfter: - pause: untilApproved: true approvalExpiration: duration: 60 unit: seconds

Pause for a set amount of time

If you want the deployment to pause for a certain amount of time, you must provide both the amount of time (duration) and the unit of time (unit).

  • strategies.<strategyName>.blueGreen.redirectTrafficAfter.pause.duration
    • Use an integer value for the amount of time.
  • strategies.<strategyName>.blueGreen.redirectTrafficAfter.pause.unit
    • Use seconds, minutes or hours for unit of time.

For example, this snippet instructs Armory CD-as-a-Service to wait for 30 minutes:

redirectTrafficAfter: - pause: duration: 30 unit: minutes

Pause until a manual judgment

When you configure a manual judgment, the deployment waits for manual approval through the UI. You can either approve the deployment or roll the deployment back if something doesn’t look right. Do not provide a duration or unit value when defining a judgment-based pause.

  • strategies.<strategyName>.blueGreen.redirectTrafficAfter.pause.untilApproved: true
  • strategies.<strategyName>.blueGreen.redirectTrafficAfter.pause.requiresRoles (Optional) list of RBAC roles that can issue a manual approval
  • strategies.<strategyName>.blueGreen.redirectTrafficAfter.pause.approvalExpiration (Optional) time to wait for the approval - if expired, current deployment is cancelled

For example:

redirectTrafficAfter: - pause: untilApproved: true requiresRoles: [] approvalExpiration: duration: 60 unit: minutes


The section enables exposing deployed service resources via a temporary, internet-facing, randomly generated link for testing purposes.

... - exposeServices: services: - <service-name-1> - <service-name-2> - <service-name-n> ttl: duration: <integer> unit: <seconds|minutes|hours>
  • services: List of one-to-many services to expose
    • Each service name must match an existing service deployed in the target cluster.
    • Each service must be in the same namespace as the app you are deploying.
    • Each service must define a single HTTP port.
  • ttl: (Optional) The lifetime of the exposed service preview
    • Minimum: 1 minute (60 seconds)
    • Maximum: 24 hours
    • Default: 5 minutes

Each link automatically expires after the configured amount of time. The exposed link is not secure.

You can configure multiple exposeServices entries, each having a different expiration time.

You can use exposed service links elsewhere in your deploy config, such as in your webhook definitions. The naming convention is armory.preview.<service-name>.


In this example, the snippet instructs Armory CD-as-a-Service to create a public URL to the deployed services service-name-1 and service-name-2. Both automatically expire after 2 hours.

... - exposeServices: services: - service-name-1 - service-name-2 ttl: duration: 2 unit: hours


The analysis step is used to run a set of queries against your deployment. Based on the results of the queries, the deployment can (automatically or manually) roll forward or roll back.

redirectTrafficAfter: - analysis: metricProviderName: <metricProviderName> context: keyName: <value> keyName: <value> interval: <integer> unit: <seconds|minutes|hours> numberOfJudgmentRuns: <integer> rollBackMode: <manual|automatic> rollForwardMode: <manual|automatic> queries: - <queryName> - <queryName>

Shut down old version after


This step is a condition for deleting the old version of your software. Armory CD-as-a-Service executes the shutDownOldVersion steps in parallel. After each step completes, Armory CD-as-a-Service deletes the old version.

shutdownOldVersionAfter: - pause: untilApproved: true


The analysis step is used to run a set of queries against your deployment. Based on the results of the queries, the deployment can (automatically or manually) roll forward or roll back.

shutdownOldVersionAfter: - analysis: metricProviderName: <metricProviderName> context: keyName: <value> keyName: <value> interval: <integer> units: <seconds|minutes|hours> numberOfJudgmentRuns: <integer> rollBackMode: <manual|automatic> rollForwardMode: <manual|automatic> queries: - <queryName> - <queryName>`


Basic canary strategies

This example declares rolling and trafficSplit canary strategies. The rolling strategy deploys to the target 100%, whereas the trafficSplit strategy deploys to 25% of the new pods in the first step, creates a preview link, and then waits for manual approval before deploying to the remaining pods.

version: v1 kind: kubernetes application: potato-facts targets: staging: account: my-cdaas-cluster namespace: potato-facts-staging strategy: rolling prod: account: my-cdaas-cluster namespace: potato-facts-prod strategy: trafficSplit constraints: dependsOn: ["staging"] beforeDeployment: - pause: untilApproved: true requiresRoles: - Organization Admin strategies: rolling: canary: steps: - setWeight: weight: 100 trafficSplit: canary: steps: - setWeight: weight: 25 - exposeServices: services: - potato-facts ttl: duration: 30 unit: minutes - pause: untilApproved: true - setWeight: weight: 100 ...

Basic blue/green strategy

strategies: rolling: canary: steps: - setWeight: weight: 100 blue-green-prod: blueGreen: redirectTrafficAfter: - pause: untilApproved: true approvalExpiration: duration: 10 unit: minutes - exposeServices: services: - potato-facts-preview-svc ttl: duration: 10 unit: minutes shutDownOldVersionAfter: - pause: duration: 15 unit: minutes
  • blueGreen.redirectTrafficAfter: This step declares conditions for exposing the new app version to the active Service. CD-as-a-Service executes steps in parallel.

    • pause: This step pauses for manual judgment before redirecting traffic to the new app version and has an expiration configured. If you do not approve within the specified time, the deployment fails. You can also configure the deployment to pause for a set amount of time before automatically continuing deployment.

    • exposeServices: This step creates a temporary preview service link for testing purposes. The exposed link is not secure and expires after the time in the ttl section. See Configure a Temporary Preview Link to a Deployed Service for details.

  • blueGreen.shutDownOldVersionAfter: This step defines a condition for deleting the old version of your app. If deployment is successful, CD-as-a-Service shuts down the old version after the specified time. This field supports the same pause steps as the redirectTrafficAfter field.

Strategies with analysis

... strategies: mycanary: canary: steps: - setWeight: weight: 25 - analysis: interval: 7 units: seconds numberOfJudgmentRuns: 1 rollBackMode: manual rollForwardMode: automatic queries: - avgCPUUsage-pass - runWebhook: name: CheckLogs - pause: untilApproved: true - setWeight: weight: 50 - analysis: interval: 7 units: seconds numberOfJudgmentRuns: 3 rollBackMode: manual rollForwardMode: manual queries: - avgCPUUsage-fail - avgCPUUsage-pass - setWeight: weight: 100 rolling: canary: steps: - setWeight: weight: 100 myBlueGreen: blueGreen: activeService: potato-facts-external previewService: potato-facts-preview redirectTrafficAfter: - runWebhook: name: CheckLogs - analysis: interval: 7 units: seconds numberOfJudgmentRuns: 3 rollBackMode: manual rollForwardMode: manual queries: - avgCPUUsage-fail - avgCPUUsage-pass shutDownOldVersionAfter: - pause: untilApproved: true analysis: defaultMetricProviderName: Stephen-Prometheus queries: - name: avgCPUUsage-pass upperLimit: 10000 #3 lowerLimit: 0 queryTemplate: >- avg (avg_over_time(container_cpu_system_seconds_total{job="kubelet"}[{{armory.promQlStepInterval}}]) * on (pod) group_left (annotation_app) sum(kube_pod_annotations{job="kube-state-metrics",annotation_deploy_armory_io_replica_set_name="{{armory.replicaSetName}}"}) by (annotation_app, pod)) by (annotation_app) - name: avgCPUUsage-fail upperLimit: 1 lowerLimit: 0 queryTemplate: >- avg (avg_over_time(container_cpu_system_seconds_total{job="kubelet"}[{{armory.promQlStepInterval}}]) * on (pod) group_left (annotation_app) sum(kube_pod_annotations{job="kube-state-metrics",annotation_deploy_armory_io_replica_set_name="{{armory.replicaSetName}}"}) by (annotation_app, pod)) by (annotation_app) ...

Last modified October 10, 2023: (db84da5)