Deployment Config

Customize your CD-as-a-Service deployment’s behavior deployment timeout, keepDeploymentObject, and deployment queue settings.

Deployment config section

This config block is optional. If included, this configuration applies to all targets.

    unit: <seconds|minutes|hours>
    duration: <integer>
  keepDeploymentObject: <boolean> 
    strategy: <strategy>


A deployment times out if the pods for your app fail to be in ready state in 30 minutes. If you want to change the default, include a timeout block.

    unit: <seconds|minutes|hours>
    duration: <integer>
  • timeout: The section specifies the amount of time to wait for pods to be ready before cancelling the deployment.
    • unit: (Required) Set to seconds, minutes or hours to indicate what duration refers to.
    • duration: (Required) Integer amount of time to wait.

The minimum timeout you can specify is 60 seconds (1 minute).

Keep deployment object

  keepDeploymentObject: <boolean> 

(Optional; Default: false)

By default, CD-as-a-Service deploys and manages ReplicaSets even when the client-requested resource is a Kubernetes Deployment. When this flag is set to true, CD-as-a-Service keeps Deployment objects between deployment executions.

If deployment in progress (deploy queue)

This field tells CD-as-a-Service how to behave when you start a deployment but there is an existing deployment for the same app already in progress. CD-as-a-Service uses the value of the application field when determining if there is already an in-progress deployment.

  strategy: <strategy>

(Optional; Default: reject)

  • strategy: choose one of the following:
    • enqueueOne: Use this value to enable the deploy queue feature. CD-as-a-Service starts the most recent deployment request after the in-progress deployment finishes.
    • reject: (Default) This is the single thread (no deploy queue) default deployment process.

Last modified November 2, 2023: (f881927)