Canary Analysis Query Reference

Armory CD-as-a-Service has different requirements for how queries are formatted and what kind of data can get returned based on the metrics provider you use for automated canary analysis. This reference provides basic information about what Armory CD-as-a-Service needs for each provider.

Automated canary analysis

When Armory CD-as-a-Service performs automated canary analysis, Armory CD-as-a-Service runs queries against a metrics provider to either progress a deployment or roll it back based on thresholds you set. Armory CD-as-a-Service supports the following metrics providers:

  • Datadog
  • New Relic
  • Prometheus

For information about using queries in your deploy file, see the following resources:

Query variables

You can use variables in the query templates you define in the analysis.queries.queryTemplate block of your deployment file. Armory provides a basic set of variables that can be used for all the metrics providers, but you can configure additional ones.

Armory-provided variables

Armory provides some metrics by default on all canary analysis requests. These variables are all prefixed with armory and are surrounded by {{}}. For example, to use applicationName variable that Armory supplies, you use the following snippet in the query template: {{armory.applicationName}}.

Armory provides the following variables:

VariableAnnotationEnvironment variableNotes as annotation resources and as environment variables on pods* as annotation resources and as environment variables on pods* as annotation resources and as environment variables on pods* as annotation resources and as environment variables on pods*
accountName--The name of the account (or agentIdentifier) used to execute the deployment
namespace--The namespace resources are being deployed to
promQlStepInterval--Used to aggregate PromQL functions to a single value
intervalSeconds--Length of the current query interval in seconds
intervalMillis--Length of the current query interval in milliseconds
endTimeEpochMillis--Exact end time of the current query interval in epoch milliseconds format
endTimeEpochSeconds--Exact end time of the current query interval in epoch seconds format
endTimeIso8601--Exact end time of the current query interval in ISO 8601 format
startTimeEpochMillis--Exact start time of the current query interval in epoch milliseconds format
startTimeEpochSeconds--Exact start time of the current query interval in epoch seconds format
startTimeIso8601--Exact start time of the current query interval in ISO 8601 format
preview.<service name>--URL to the Service resource exposed via exposeServices step**

*If you are using a metrics implementation like Micrometer, make sure to configure it to report these metrics to your metrics provider.

**Service preview links are scoped to the strategy and afterDeployment constraints section. Do consider adjusting preview link’s TTL property, otherwise you may end up serving links which have already expired.

Custom variables

In addition to the Armory provided variables, you can define additional custom ones. These are added to the strategies.<strategyName>.canary.steps.analysis.context section of your deployment file:

        - analysis:
              - <variableName>: <variableValue>

They need to be defined for each analysis step that uses a query referencing them.

In query templates, you reference them with the following format: {{context.<variableName>}}. For example, if you created a variable called owner, you reference it in the query template with {{context.owner}}.

Query template requirements

Regardless of metrics provider, all queries require the following:

  • Must return a single result. Automated canary analysis does not support queries that return multiple values
  • Must be defined in analysis.queries.queryTemplate

Datadog queries

Datadog queries cannot be a time-series query. This means that you need to include the .rollup(method, {{armory.intervalSeconds}}) method in your query.

For more information on Datadog queries, see the Datadog documentation.

Sample Datadog query

  AND {{armory.replicaSetName}}}.rollup(avg, {{armory.intervalSeconds}}) / avg:jvm.memory.max{name:{{armory.applicationName}}
  AND {{armory.replicaSetName}}}.rollup(avg, {{armory.intervalSeconds}}) * 100

New Relic queries

New Relic queries must meet the following requirements:

  • Must include an UNTIL clause in your query that specifies the start and end of the canary interval
    • For example, include a clause similar to the following clause: SINCE '{{armory.startTimeIso8601}}' UNTIL '{{armory.endTimeIso8601}}
  • Cannot contain the ‘TIMESERIES’ clause

For information on New Relic’s Query Language, see the New Relic documentation.

Sample New Relic query

SELECT average(jvm.memory.used) / average(jvm.memory.max) * 100 FROM Metric
  WHERE name = '{{armory.applicationName}}' AND replicaSetName = '{{armory.replicaSetName}}'
  SINCE '{{armory.startTimeIso8601}}' UNTIL '{{armory.endTimeIso8601}}'

Prometheus queries

Prometheus queries must return results as a time stamp value pair.

For information on Prometheus queries, see the Prometheus documentation.

Sample Prometheus query
avg(avg_over_time(jvm_memory_used_bytes{app="{{armory.applicationName}}",replicaSet="{{armory.replicaSetName}}"}[{{armory.promQlStepInterval}}])) /
  avg(avg_over_time(jvm_memory_max_bytes{app="{{armory.applicationName}}",replicaSet="{{armory.replicaSetName}}"}[{{armory.promQlStepInterval}}])) * 100

Last modified October 10, 2023: (db84da5)