Deployment Overview

Learn what an Armory CD-as-a-Service deployment is and how CD-as-a-Service deploys your artifacts. Learn about deployment strategies (blue/green, canary) and constraints for deploying your app to your target Kubernetes clusters.

What a deployment is

A deployment encompasses the manifests, artifacts, configuration, and actions that deliver your code to remote environments. You can configure a deployment to deliver software to a single environment or multiple environments, either in sequence or in parallel depending on your deployment configuration.

You define your CD-as-a-Service deployment configuration in a YAML file, which you store within your source control, enabling code-like management. Each deployment has a unique name, which you declare in the config file. You trigger deployments using the Armory CLI, either from your CI system or your workstation. Although CD-as-a-Service requires a separate deployment configuration file for each app, you can deploy multiple Kubernetes Deployment objects together as part of a single app.

How deployment works

  • CD-as-a-Service starts a deployment with an environment, such as development, that does not depend on another environment. Then deployment progresses through the steps, conditions, and environments defined in your deployment process.

  • CD-as-a-Service deploys a new ReplicaSet every time a deployment is started. This ensures changes to resources like ConfigMap are immediately reflected and validated with your deployment strategy.

  • CD-as-a-Service automatically rolls back when:

    • There is an error deploying your Kubernetes manifests
    • Pods fail to be in a Ready state within 30 minutes
    • A webhook fails
    • You configured your retrospective analysis step to automatically rollback (available in both canary and blue/green deployments)
    • A user fails to issue a configured manual approval within a specified time frame
    • A deployment target constraint is not met

    You can deploy multiple Deployment objects as part of a single CD-as-a-Service deployment. When defined in a single deployment, multiple Deployment objects are rolled back together if there’s an automatic or manual rollback.

CD-as-a-Service deploys any Kubernetes manifest to your environments without the need for any special annotations in the manifest.

Handling concurrent deployments

CD-as-a-Service uses the deployment config file’s application value to identify whether or not multiple deployments may conflict. By default, CD-as-a-Service allows a single deployment to run at a time (single thread process). However, you can configure your deployment process to enqueue the latest deployment (deploy queue process).

Single thread process

This is CD-as-a-Service’s default deployment behavior. You cannot start a second deployment of the same deployment name until the first deployment has finished.

For example, you have an deployment named Potato Facts.

  1. You start a deployment of Potato Facts.
  2. Immediately you start a second deployment of Potato Facts.
  3. CD-as-a-Service does not start the second deployment because the first deployment has not finished. The second deployment request has a status of REJECTED.

Deploy queue process

CD-as-a-Service provides you with a simple deployment queue, which deployment requests enter if there is an in-progress deployment with the same name. Once the in-progress deployment is complete, CD-as-a-Service starts the most recent deployment request. This minimizes the time for changes to go from PR merge to production, while ensuring reliable deployments.

When multiple deployments enter the queue, CD-as-a-Service deploys the most recent deployment request after the in-progress deployment finishes.

When multiple deployments enter the queue, CD-as-a-Service deploys the most recent deployment request.

See the Deployment Config File reference for how to configure the deploy queue feature.

How to trigger a deployment

Define your deployment

CD-as-a-Service enables you to declaratively define your deployment configuration outcome in a YAML file. At its core, you only need to provide only three pieces of information:

  • The target environment you want to deploy to
  • The artifacts you want to have deployed
  • The deployment strategy you want to use for the deployment

An example of a simple deployment may look like this:

version: v1
kind: <the-kind-of-deployment> # current options are: Kubernetes
application: <your-app-name> # the name of your app
    account: <your-remote-network-agent-identifier> # the name you gave the RNA when you installed it in your prod cluster
    namespace: <your-namespace-prod> # defined in namespace-prod.yaml
    strategy: <the-name-of-the-strategy) # You will define strategy in the strategies block
  - path: manifests/your-app.yaml # replace with the name of your app manifest
    canary: # the strategy you want to use; current options are: canary, blue-green
      ... # the configuration of your chosen strategy

For deployment config file details, see Create a Deployment Config File.

Elements of a deployment


Within a deployment, you define targets that are equivalent to the environments you are deploying to. For example, you may define staging, production-west, and production-east deployment targets.

You can configure each deployment target to use a unique strategy that defines how to deploy your software and route traffic.

Target constraints

You can also configure your deployment targets to use constraints that prevent a deployment from beginning or completing until certain conditions are met. For example, you can configure your deployment to wait for your code to be deployed to your staging environment before promoting that code to production.

You can set beforeDeployment or afterDeployment constraints depending on your use case.

CD-as-a-Service offers you multiple constraint options including:

  • dependsOn
    Use dependsOn to specify a target deployment that must successfully complete prior to starting this target’s deployment.
  • pause
    Use pause to pause a deployment for a set period of time or until an authorized user issues an approval.


In the following example, you have two Kubernetes deployment targets: target-1 and target-2. You want deployment to target-2 to depend on successful deployment to target-1, so you add a dependsOn constraint to target-2. Additionally, you want to manually approve deployment to target-2. In the constraints section, you add a beforeDeployment constraint with a pause.

  target-1: #a user-defined name to reference this deployment target
    account: <your-remote-network-agent-identifier> # the name you gave the RNA when you installed it in your prod cluster
    namespace: <your-namespace-prod> # defined in namespace-prod.yaml
    strategy: <the-name-of-the-strategy> # strategy will be defined below in the strategies block      
  target-2: #a user-defined name to reference this deployment target
    account: <your-remote-network-agent-identifier> # the name you gave the RNA when you installed it in your prod cluster
    namespace: <your-namespace-prod> # defined in namespace-prod.yaml
    strategy: <the-name-of-the-strategy> # strategy will be defined below in the strategies block      
      dependsOn: ["target-1"] #A constraint indicating that the deployment to target-1 must complete successfully prior to beginning the deployment to target-2
      beforeDeployment: # a list of constraints that must be satisfied before the deployment to the target can begin 
        - pause: # a pause constraint that will pause the execution of the deployment until an authorized user gives an approval
            untilApproved: true

For info on configuring constraints, see the CD-as-a-Service reference docs


To deploy your software, you need tell CD-as-a-Service where to find your Kubernetes manifests.

You can deploy your manifests to all environments or specific environments using a basic configuration:

  - path: manifests/your-manifest-1.yaml # this manifest will be deployed to all deployment targets defined in the targets block
  - path: manifests/your-manifest-1.yaml # this manifest will be deployed to the 'target-2' target defined in the targets block
    targets: ["target-2"]

Manifest paths are relative to the directory from which you run the armory deploy command.


A deployment strategy is the method by which CD-as-a-Service deploys your changes to a target. Strategies can use different techniques to allow for rapid rollback should a problem be discovered, minimizing the impact of potential issues to a small subset of users. You could also use a strategy optimized for speed.

Armory CD-as-a-Service offers two distinct deployment strategies that each have various trade-offs.

  • Canary

    A canary deployment involves releasing a new software version to a small subset of users or systems while leaving the majority on the current version. This strategy allows for real-world testing and monitoring of the new version’s performance and stability. If the canary users experience positive results, the new version can be gradually rolled out to a wider audience.

  • Blue/Green

    In a blue/green deployment, you maintain two identical environments, blue and green. The blue environment represents the current production version, while the green environment represents the new version that is being deployed. The new version is deployed and tested in the green environment, and once validated, CD-as-a-Service routes traffic is to green instead of blue. This strategy minimizes downtime and provides a quick rollback option if issues arise.

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Last modified November 2, 2023: (70fb95a)